Friday, November 18, 2011

I don't expect any feedback, but writing a post is better than talking to a wall...

So, I guess I could do stuff. Let's see...what might other people be interested in...
There's sh*tload of game reviewers out there on the Internet, and I have sh*tload of Indie games, so I guess I could try to review some of them and check how would that work...
I also bought a tablet a few months ago and learned how to use it...sort of. So far, I'm only drawing ponies. Yes, ponies. You should have seen that one coming. Anyway, I guess I could post my rather poor sketches here...after all, this blog was so far only visited by one person...
I'm also trying to develop a game (or any other piece of software, really), but I can't force myself to work on it. I guess having a buttload of people whining about something not being ready yet would work as a motivation for me...
...of course, that's assuming someone would actually read this thing from time to time.
I guess I'll wait a few days for someone to make a comment under this post, realize that nobody is giving a sh*t about this blog, and then forget about it again.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to see tons of review by you, Tak. ^^

    No, seriously. It'd be a great read.

    I believe I should start reviewing again too...

    But no one would see it. =P
